Category: Blogs

Celebration of Nyerere @100 Joint Symposium October 2022.

Celebration of Nyerere @100 Joint Symposium with Makerere University. This event...

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Annual Presidential Lecture Series (PLS)

Each year we plan to invite a prominent speaker on international development to...

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Book Launch: The Form and Substance of Elections in Uganda

Book Launch: The Form and Substance of Elections in Uganda: A Post-election...

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Mwalimu Nyerere@100 on April13th 2022


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Commemorating Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. April 13th 1922 – October 14th 1999

Legacies are not built by the men or women who are the subject of the legacy but...

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Commemorating the legacy of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

the Tanzanian High Commissioner and broader Tanzanian community in Uganda...

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World Teachers Day 2021

This is held annually on 5 October to celebrate all teachers around the globe....

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For Mandela Day, spread the spirit of Ubuntu in 67 minutes.

Nelson Mandela spent 67 years of his life fighting for social justice and...

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