Showing 1-63 of 63 Books
The year 2021 was the first year of implementation of UNDP's County Programme for Uganda...
In 1995,Ugandans adopted a new constitution which set out the norms and rules for a...
Julius Nyerere was born on April 13,1922in butiama, on the eastern shore of lake Victoria...
Mzee Mandela was born in 1918 among the Xhosa of South Africa, he was born...
An Overview of the state of Constitutionalism in the East African Community in 2011; The...
When the East African (EAC) countries attained independence in the early sixties a common feature...
The Annual State of Constitutionalism in East Africa 2015 examines the performance of East African...
The commonwealth heads of government meeting is arguably one of the few international fora where...
Societies that have reached greater heights in scientific innovations are invariably those that have preserved...
School inspection is a vital link in realization of desired education outcomes. it acts as...
FEW EVENTS in recent history have generated as much confidence in the future and such...
That calendar year 2020 has been one of the most challenging  for humanity in generations,...
Under provision of Article 104 of the treaty establishment the EAC, the Partner States agreed...
Uganda’s actions in the arena of decentralization have received critical acclaim for introducing a number...
Despite the challenge of being a small landlocked  country, Uganda has the potential to become...
A report on how digital platforms were used to manipulate Uganda’s 2021 General elections. This...
The promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in central to the mandate...
Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 76 and 104 of the Treaty for the establishment ...
In the year 2023, COSTECH organized the eighth National Science, Technology, and Innovation Conference and...
The Environment in which resources are mobilized is increasingly competitive , given the rise of...
The purpose of the study on Election related conflict and violence in Uganda was to...
Uganda gaining independence was the start of state mismanagement and it ruled through 1960s until...
"As a country we will try to make advantage of these championships and try to...
The Journal of Higher Education in Africa (ISSN 0851-7762) publishes analysis, information, and critique on contemporary issues...
Licha ya hali hizi, ripoti  hii inabaini chembe ya matumaini na inajenga hoja yenye nguvu...
Despite the disruptions occasioned by COVID-19, Makerere University under prof. Nawangwe's leadership, continued on a...
The Ranking  of the university have remained stable and scaled up to keep Makerere among...
Opening its doors to only 14 students in 1922, Makerere University has grown to become...
Uganda is currently in a unique position. As a number of different national, continental, and...
The MSMES Policy was approved by Cabinet in August 2015 to provide a regulatory and...
Uganda's vision 2040 is "A transformed Ugandan Society from a peasant to a modern and...
Welcome to the quarter 3 edition of Umoja and happy new year. this edition, that...
Uganda is currently in the early stages of a profound transition from a predominantly rural...
Human beings are in the midst of profound changes to their ecology. More than 50%...
Uganda is currently in the early stages of a profound transition from a predominantly rural...
The Parish Development Model(PDM) will ensure support for more Ugandans to join the money economy...
Policy and Regulations on Sexual Harassment
This policy on sexual Harassment prevention is to address acts practices related to sexual harassment...
This volume contains the official texts of the two Protocols additional to the Geneva Conventions...
U.S health programs are fighting COVID-19, improving maternal and child health, helping HIV-infected Ugandans live...
"In my up-country trips I have pledged to create 3 new additional wealth and jobs...
The key strategies for the translation of the community policing principles include: • Creating fixed...
The opening speech of the symposium was delivered by the fourth and current secretary General...
The target of raising the college academic status even higher stood at a test of...
The East  African Community (EAC) lays emphasis on developing policies and programs aimed at widening...
The EAC  development agenda recognizes the role that science, technology and innovation play. The leadership...
A crossroads of religions, politics, and cultures with deep symbolic and historical significance, the holy...
The  NRM is a Social-Democratic Liberation Movement, The magazine talks about Code of Ethics and...
Volume 004 talks about the four sectors and the seven ways for wealth and job...
Through Patriotism to Social-Economic Transformation , Philosophy for mindset change , The Unbeatable Blend of...
Kampala and surrounding municipalities are struggling under the strain of gridlocked traffic, rising traffic fatalities,...
From the exchanging  goats for gold, to money for food and a lack of an...
The Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community was signed in Arusha on 30...
The failure to grasp the NRM political line has caused a lot of weaknesses which...
Since 2012 the Uganda Press photo Award (UPPA) has offered support and exposure for Ugandan...
Which economic stimulates works??
At the ceremonies to mark Uganda's 60th independence anniversary , economic and political integration of...
The Uganda Human Rights Commission(UHRC) is committed to its constitutional mandate to protect and promote...
2021 Virtual Edition of the Uganda Social Media conference. Now in its sixth edition, this...
Understanding Land Dynamics and Livelihood in Refugee Hosting Districts of Northern Uganda
This brief provides insights into land as the main productive asset for building self-reliance of...
“I want to tell you about what happened, but I don’t have the words. So...
MS TCDC is a Pan-African training Centre for development cooperation, situated in Arusha Tanzania. The...