Meet the Team
The Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre team is led by a diverse board of directors currently headed by the Action-Chair, Prof. Kasozi Mulindwa
Board of Directors
The Secretariat
The Board of Directors

Dr. Kasozi Mulindwa Saturninus
He is a Chartered Accountant and a member of ACCA (UK) and ICPAU (Uganda).
He Holds a Doctorate in Finance and Accounting from the University of Birmingham (UK); a Master’s Degree in Development Finance from the University of Birmingham; Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Governance and Management from Institute of Housing Studies (IHS) Netherlands, Postgraduate Certificates in Financial Management; and Postgraduate Certificate Project Management both from Strathclyde Business School (Glasgow). He also has a postgraduate certificate in Credit Analysis from ESAMI. He has worked as Finance Officer with Ministry of Local Government, Chief Manager of projects with former Uganda Commercial Bank.
He has also served as Principal Consultant and head of Business and Financial Management Department and, Ag. Director General of Uganda Management Institute (UMI). Currently, he is the Director of Programmes and Students Affairs responsible for training programmes, Academic staff and students at UMI.

Dr. Nansozi K. Muwanga, Ph.D.
She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Toronto, Canada, a BA Hons. in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Area Studies from London University.
She also has an Advanced Post-Graduate Diploma in International Relations and Development from the Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Netherlands. A recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation – African Dissertation Internship Award (ADIA) for her PhD. research, The Politics of Primary Education in Uganda: Parent Participation and National Reforms, Dr. Muwanga is a former Head of the Department of Political Science, Makerere University and a Fulbright New Century Scholar (NCS).
In addition to lecturing, Dr. Muwanga coordinated the UNDP’s Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy Project in the Department and is the designate Executive Director of the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre (JNLC).
Dr. Muwanga who has organized and moderated several conference panels including the Presidential Debate in 2016 is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Senegal and has undertaken two Good Governance Assessments of Uganda as part of a team. Her extensive multi-disciplinary research and consultancy experience also includes peer-reviewed publications and education sector evaluations in different national contexts including Uganda, Tanzania and South Africa, Mozambique and the Seychelles for organisations and agencies that include, the African Development Bank, The Hewlett Foundation and Flora Family Foundation, Mountain View California; The World Bank, UNICEF and Irish Aid.

Andrew N. Tumusiime
He holds a Master’s degree in Rural Development from Makerere University.
He also possesses various certificates in Public Administration from Makerere University, and a certificate in Information and Records Management from Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC). He has worked in both the private and public sectors in Uganda, served in various NGOs, the oil and gas sector, and is now the Head of Administration at Uganda Airlines. His interests lay in resource mobilization and establishment of strategic relationships

Prof. Gerald Kagambirwe Karyeija
He is an Associate Professor of Public Administration & Management, and Dean, School of Management Science, Uganda Management Institute.
He is also a Professor of Public Administration, North-West University and Senior Scholar, University of Lusaka. He is a 2017-2018 NAFSA Global Dialogue Fellow (Association of International Educators), Chairperson of the ECASSA Institute of Social Protection, Senate Representative to Uganda Management Institute Governing Council (May 2019 – May 2023) and Board Member on African Association of Public Administration and Management (AAPAM).
Karyeija holds a PhD and MPhil in Public Administration, both from University of Bergen, as well as a BA in Political Science and Public Administration from Makerere University. He has vast experience in research, consultancy, training, publishing and practice in the area of Governance, Management, Leadership and Public Administration spanning over 20 years with various organizations and countries.
He has published thirty six (36) articles in refereed journals, co-edited one book, contributed two book chapters, presented twenty six (26) peer reviewed papers at international conferences and prepared several policy briefs to Government. He is a member of Uganda Evaluation Association, Local Economic Development Network Africa, Uganda Association of Public Administration and Management, Eastern Africa Research and Innovations Management Association, Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU), Africa Network Norway, African Association of Public Administration and Management and Common Wealth Association of Public Administration and Management. Prior to joining UMI, he was a Compliance Officer and later Manager at, National Social Security Fund, Uganda and Journalist at the New Vision Publications.

Prof. Josephine Ahikyire (PhD)
She is the Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and former Dean, School of Women and Gender Studies.
She is also an Honorary Professor at the Centre for Advancement of Non racialism and Democracy (CANRAD) Nelson Mandela University, South Africa and has over 20 years of teaching Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University in the field of feminist theory, gender and politics, livelihood and cultural studies. She has extensive experience in feminist research and has published widely in the fields of gender and politics, labour and cultural studies.
Recent works include a co-edited book titled Controlling Consent: Uganda’s 2016 Elections published by Africa World Press, Trenton, (2017), co-edited book entitled: Gender Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda published by Fountain Publishers, Kampala (2014) and authored a book entitled: Localised or Localising Democracy: Gender and the Politics of Decentralisation in Contemporary Uganda by Fountain Publishers Kampala (2007). She is a member of the Council for Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and also participates in international research networks including the UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund supported Hub on Gender Justice and Security coordinated by the London School of Economics and Political Science, Countering backlash on gender justice at Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Sussex and the Effective States in Development (ESID) programme at University of Manchester, UK.

Prof Edward K Kirumira
He is the Director, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa and Professor Extraordinary at the Stellenbosch University Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
He specialized in Medical Sociology and is an internationally established Behavioral Scientist with research interest over the last 30 years in HIV&AIDS, population and reproductive health, emergent diseases and global health. He has extensive in-country experience in programme development, management and impact evaluation of several African countries.
He studied at Makerere University, University of Exeter and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in UK, University of Copenhagen in Denmark and Harvard University in USA. He has taken up technical advisory roles for national, regional and international organisations including ECA, AUDA-NEPAD, IGAD, UNFPA, UNAIDS, Sida-Sweden, NORAD, Danida, JICA, the US National Academies of Sciences, the Population Council and WHO. He is a Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences. Previously, Prof Kirumira was the Principal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Makerere University, the Chair of the Uganda Country Central Coordination Mechanism for the Global Fund for HIV&AIDS, Malaria and TB and, the Founding Chair of the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre at Makerere University.

Prof. Proscovia Namubiru Ssentamu
Proscovia Namubiru Ssentamu is Assoc. Professor of Education and head of the Quality Assurance Department at Uganda Management Institute (UMI).
She has a PhD in Education (Bayreuth, Germany); M.A. in Curriculum Studies (London); M.ED in Curriculum Studies, (Makerere); PGD in HRM (UMI); PGD in Education Technology (Cape Town); Graduate Certificate in Quality Assurance (Melbourne) and BA/ED in Literature in English, English Language, Education (Makerere). Proscovia has participated on various international, national and institutional education-related consultancies supported by Uganda’s Ministry of Education & Sports, National Council for Higher Education, Private Sector Foundation, and by various development partners including the World Bank, Belgian Technical Cooperation, NUFFIC, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, Baylor Foundation, CDC, MasterCard Foundation, German Technical Cooperation, Compassion International and World Vision.
She is a member of various boards including the (2014 to date) ‘East and South African Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methods and Management’ (CERM-ESA), a joint project among the University of Oldenburg (Germany), Moi University (Kenya), Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (South Africa), UMI and the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with the support from the German Federal Foreign Office.

Prof. Sarah Ssali
Sarah Ssali is an Associate Prof. and Dean School of Women and Gender Studies, and the Director Centre of Excellence in Notions of Identity at Makerere University.
She is a Social Scientist with a PhD in International Health Studies, MA in Gender Studies and BA in Social Sciences (Political Science and Public Administration). She is an experienced researcher with vast experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods. She has researched and published in the area of neoliberalism, identities, health systems, health financing, HIV and AIDS, post conflict settings, and hidden behaviour. Gender and ethical issues have been overarching principles in all her research.
Sarah Ssali teaches Politics, the State and Public Policy, Institutions and social transformation, Fundamentals of Social Science and Health, Theoretical Perspectives of Gender and Development, and Research Methods. She is currently involved in several research projects funded by UKRI, MRC, WHO, Mind and Life Institute and Makerere University where she plays different roles as Principal or co-investigator and researcher. She is also a member of the University Council and Senate and several boards.

Mrs. Esteri Akandwanaho Muhoozi
Mrs. Esteri Akandwanaho Muhoozi is the Managing Partner at Axiom Group Uganda, a strategy and management consultancy firm.
With over 14 years of experience working in the East African business and consulting markets, Mrs. Esteri specializes in optimizing productivity, brand management, and strategy for medium and large companies.
Mrs. Esteri believes in the ability to harness knowledge, resources and creativity to provide solutions to businesses, communities and governments. She is passionate about building structures for cohesion and community through innovative problem solving.
Mrs. Esteri is a multitalented entrepreneur and graduate of the American University of Paris with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. She is a member of the Institute of National Transformation Alumnus and serves on the Boards of Maras Africa, Regent Estates Uganda, and Opal Mining Company.
The Secretariat
– The Finance & Administration Officer
– The Programme Officer