Prof. Josephine Ahikire (PhD)
Makerere UniversityPersonal Experience
Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and former Dean, School of Women and Gender Studies. Also Honorary Professor at the Centre for Advancement of Non racialism and Democracy (CANRAD) Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
Has over 20 years of teaching Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University in the field of feminist theory, gender and politics, livelihood and cultural studies. Extensive experience in feminist research and has published widely in the fields of gender and politics, labour and cultural studies.
Recent works include a co-edited book titled Controlling Consent: Uganda’s 2016 Elections published by Africa World Press, Trenton, (2017), co-edited book entitled: Gender Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda published by Fountain Publishers, Kampala (2014) and authored a book entitled: Localised or Localising Democracy: Gender and the Politics of Decentralisation in Contemporary Uganda by Fountain Publishers Kampala (2007).
Member of the Council for Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Also participates in international research networks including the UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund supported Hub on Gender Justice and Security coordinated by the London School of Economics and Political Science, Countering backlash on gender justice at Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Sussex and the Effective States in Development (ESID) programme at University of Manchester, UK.
Recent Publications
‘Contesting Ideas, aligning incentives: The politics of Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act (2010)’ in S. Nazneen, S. Hickey & E. Sifaki (eds.) Negotiating Gender Equity in the Global South: The Politics of Domestic Violence Policy Routledge, London and New York, 2019.
‘On the Shifting Gender of the State in Africa: reflections from Ugandas Experience’, Politeia vol. 37 no. 2, 2018
‘“Please Daddy Give us Some More”: Recognition Politics and the Language of Special Interest Groups’, in J. Oloka Onyango and J. Ahikire (eds.) Controlling Consent: Uganda’s 2016 Elections, Trenton: Africa World Press, 2017.
‘Cutting the Coat according to the Cloth: Examining Women’s Agency on Land Rights in Rural Uganda’ in Kyomuhendo Bantebya, G. Ahikire J. S. Gerrard and Muhanguzi, K.F. (eds.) Gender Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda, Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 2014.