Report – Julius Nyerere Symposium Report 13-14 October 2023

Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre convened the annual Julius Nyerere Symposium on the 13 – 14 October 2023 at the Makerere University Kampala. The symposium themed ‘Building a Borderless East African Region: Championing Unity, Youth Employment, Culture and Climate Resilience.’ focused on exploring the challenges, opportunities and strategies for collaboration and unity to facilitate shared prosperity. The symposium convened a cross section of student leaders from Uganda’s leading universities and institutions of higher learning, student leaders, alumni of the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre, representatives of Non-Governmental Organisations, Civil Society, East African Secretariat, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Private Education Development Network, Government of Uganda Ministries, Departments and Agencies, University of Dar es Salaam, Jakaya Kikwete Foundation in Tanzania, and diplomatic missions. The symposium which was held over two days comprised a Ekyooto , – a fireside cross-generational conversation on East African possibilities and opportunities for young people and an exhibition of East African youth innovation and creativity.

“…intellectuals have a special contribution to make to the development of our nation, and to Africa. And I am asking that their knowledge, and the greater understanding that they should possess, should be used for the benefit of the society of which we are all members.”

Julius Kambarage Nyerere, from his book Uhuru na Maendeleo (Freedom and Development), 1973.

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