JNLC Bulletin of Activities 2022 serves as a summary of our major undertakings, made possible through the generous support of our partners and sponsors. As we contemplate the journey embarked upon since the beginning of this year, we are profoundly grateful for the steadfast support and dedication provided by each of you. Your invaluable contributions have played a crucial role in advancing the mission and vision of Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre (JNLC), and for this, we express our sincere appreciation.
“…intellectuals have a special contribution to make to the development of our nation, and to Africa. And I am asking that their knowledge, and the greater understanding that they should possess, should be used for the benefit of the society of which we are all members.”
Julius Kambarage Nyerere, from his book Uhuru na Maendeleo (Freedom and Development), 1973.

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