Showing 1-100 of 168 Books
There is no comprehensive and coherent legal and policy framework guiding community policing, Notwithstanding the...
The contents of his book constitute an abridged political history of Tammi for the half-century...
This compilation and embedded analysis are inspired by a project implemented by Kituo cha Katiba:...
Winner of the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa 1994 this ground-breaking work in a reassessment of...
The NGO Act, 2016 defines an NGO as a legally constituted organization under the Act,...
'A Tray of Locust Beans' is an anthology of previously published short stories and poems...
When the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility of Academics came...
Internal conflicts, dictatorship, and economic disintegration characterized the first twenty-five years of Uganda’s independence from...
As the twenty first century unfolds, African universities are undergoing change and confronting challenges which...
Africa 101: The Wake Up Call is a book about the “hunters” and the “hunted.”...
This collection of essays interrogates the repositioning of Africa and its diasporas in the unfolding...
There is a  great deal of exciting change and transition taking place in the arena...
The African Media Barometer (AMB) is an in-depth and comprehensive description and measurement system for...
As the twenty first century unfolds, African universities are undergoing change and confronting challenges which...
Afrika Zamani (ISSN 0850-3079), annual journal of African history, is a yearly journal published by...
First published in 1971, this book has now gained an international readership. In this new,...
The book is a polemical narration of historical and political developments of the APC and...
For some people, Obote is a Ugandan hero: the founder of the nation, a nationalist,...
wide range of theories and approaches have been produced in International Relations since its emergence...
This book has been specially prepared for pupils of Art and Design. Emphasis is placed...
Automation is leading to a profound transformation of the economies of industrial, emerging and developing...
Increasingly, education systems must serve not only its countrys citizens, but immigrants and refugees from...
Since,1965, discussion of American foreign policy has taken place in the context of great controversy...
This contentious reinterpretation of British decline since the 1890s brings together the often separated topics...
Assessing and understanding language use and development is a complex enterprise, as a large number...
Capital Goods, Technological change and Accumulation in Nigeria looks at the problems of technology by...
As for so many other sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic has also left its marks on...
Championing A Culture of Peace: A Training Toolkit on Conflict Prevention, Transformation and Peace Building....
This book covers diverse histories of student movements in post-apartheid South Africa, taking note of...
the volume aims at comprehensive and wide ranging coverage, both the coverage of the subject...
The Comparative Politics textbook is bang up to date with the latest teaching aids, ancillary...
FEW EVENTS in recent history have generated as much confidence in the future and such...
In 2004, a court in Mbandaka, in the Congolese province of Équateur, decided that the...
Under provision of Article 104 of the treaty establishment the EAC, the Partner States agreed...
Dani Wadada Nabudere, the illustrious Ugandan scholar, produced a diverse body of work on various...
Dani Wadada Nabudere, the illustrious Ugandan scholar, produced a diverse body of work on various...
Uganda’s actions in the arena of decentralization have received critical acclaim for introducing a number...
Despite the challenge of being a small landlocked  country, Uganda has the potential to become...
'Demand and Supply' is the third in series of 'Loud Whispers' that Bisi Adeleye is...
The contributors explore different dimensions of the challenges confronting the countries of the sub-region, lending...
The promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women in central to the mandate...
Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 76 and 104 of the Treaty for the establishment ...
The Environment in which resources are mobilized is increasingly competitive , given the rise of...
This book provides an analysis of the ecological conditions and ecosystem goods and services of...
The purpose of the study on Election related conflict and violence in Uganda was to...
On 24 January 2002, crowds gathered for a celebration on the banks of the Nile...
Examines the history of electricity provision in Africa and the effects of privatization and infrastructure...
English as a world language is not always used the same way throughout the English...
English Course for Beginners is an essential tool for Kiswahili speakers who are interested in...
English Course for Beginners is an essential tool for Kiswahili speakers who are interested in...
The book is about women you may not have read in school. This is because...
In this classic text, an eminent historian of international affairs and a distinguished political scientist...
In this classic text, an eminent historian of international affairs and a distinguished political scientist...
The most important bilateral relationship in the world today is that between the united states...
Since 1922, the Council has published Foreign Affairs, America's most influential publication on international affairs...
The second title in the Codesria Gender Series, which aims to invigorate the African social...
To many young people, the term sport has an exhilarating ring; to many older persons,...
When, why and how can religion and culture be both sources, and places of expression...
Ghana Under PNDC Rule analyses the changes in Ghanaian society under Rawlings’s Provisional National Defense...
In this incisive account, scholar Horace Campbell investigates the political and economic crises of the...
Globalization and social policy in Africa examines the different areas of significant contact between globalization...
Does globalization mean the end of the nation state? Or are nation states able to...
Globalization is a complex process with intrinsic cultural, technological, economic, social and political components. its...
The process of democratisation is under way, it is argued. The vast network of inter-linking...
The role of higher education in establishing structures and procedures in society and industry is...
The role of higher education in establishing structures and procedures in society and industry is...
Les rapports sociaux de genre connaissent depuis quelques années des mutations significatives en Afrique et...
he aim of this book is to provide comprehensive understanding of industrial economics and its...
International Relations presents the current concepts, theories, and events that comprise the discipline in a comprehensive...
The International Review of the Red Cross is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Committee of...
The 2011 election presented yet another opportunity for Ugandans to listen to promises and commitments...
Hili ni toleo lanne la kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu. Toleo la kwanza lilitolewa mwaka 1981....
Lugha na fikra zina ukuruba mkubwa sana na zote mbili ni mazao ya utamaduni wa...
This study offers a comprehensive exploration of the work of Kwasa Wiredu, arguably Africa's leading...
The Fast Track Land Reform Programme implemented during the 2000s in Zimbabwe represents the only...
The variety of land questions facing Africa and the divergent strategies proposed to resolve them...
A country's legal framework provides the enforceable structure of incentives and sanctions that motivate public...
Dans les sociétés ouest-africaines, l’espace public est fortement imprégné de religiosités. Il s’y édicte une...
Each year some sixty billion dollars are spent on foreign aid throughout the world. Whether...
Informed by Winston Churchill's famous metaphor, successive British governments have shaped their foreign policy thinking...
Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy is a 1993 book written by Robert...
Awarded 'Special Commendation' in the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa 1998. The intellectual liberation...
Although gender and non-gender scholars have studied men, such an academic exercise requires a critical...
This book offers an investigation into the diverse transformations shaped by information and communications technologies...
Models of Democracy has two prime purposes. the first, to provide an introduction to central...
Momi Alge Binafishua/ Ni king ora Kinacholia kava sautikai huika. kikisawiri kwa undani matatizo ya...
Several structural factors that co-exist in the greater horn of Africa region create a complex...
National Integration in Uganda 1962-2013 delves into the problems that have beset Uganda on the path...
Uganda's vision 2040 is "A transformed Ugandan Society from a peasant to a modern and...
Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 was at once the last major act of Europe's...
The question of democracy, as it relates to the right of people to decide who...
The Kiswahili original of this book was first published at the beginning of November 1994....
Human beings are in the midst of profound changes to their ecology. More than 50%...
Uganda is currently in the early stages of a profound transition from a predominantly rural...
Kituo cha Katiba: The Eastern Africa Centre for Constitutional Development (KcK) sent a fact-finding mission...
The Great Lakes region of Africa is characterized by protest politics, partial democratization, political illegitimacy...
This book is both a primer of policy studies and a treatise on public policy...
 The Social Bases of Politics is a political science book from 1960 by Seymour Martin...
An impressive line-up of international contributors provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to politics in...
The third edition of this well respected textbook explores the changing nature of politics in...
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