The symposium, which drew 300 participants from 15 countries, coincided with the centennial celebrations of Makerere University and Mwalimu Nyerere at 100. It was attended by key partners in the Pan African movement from the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation in Dar es Salaam, the African Peer Review Mechanism, members of the academia, diplomatic corps, members of parliament, ministers, student communities, media houses, representatives of the private sector, financial institutions, civil society organizations, and friends of the center.

“…intellectuals have a special contribution to make to the development of our nation, and to Africa. And I am asking that their knowledge, and the greater understanding that they should possess, should be used for the benefit of the society of which we are all members.”

Julius Kambarage Nyerere, from his book Uhuru na Maendeleo (Freedom and Development), 1973.

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